
Purpose and Objectives of Physics Lab
Mathmatical Notes for Physics Lab
Graphical Techniques
Error Formulas
Sample Graph



Intro Lab

Exp.  1 Simple Pendulum

Exp.  2 Acceleration of Gravity: Freely Falling Body

Exp.  3 Circular Motion and Centripetal Force

Exp.  4 Second Law of Motion: the Atwood Machine

Exp.  5 Projectile Motion: the Ballistic Pendulum

Exp.  6 Conservation of Momentum: Collisions in Two Dimensions

Exp.  7 Rotational Motion and Moments of Inertia

Exp.  8 Equilibrium of Forces and Torques

Exp.  9 Harmonic motion: the Spiral Spring

Exp. 10 The Torsion Pendulum: the Shear Modulus of Brass

Exp. 11 Standing Waves in a String: Melde's Experiment

Exp. 12 Velocity of Sound in Air

Exp. 13 Latent Heat of Vaporization of Nitrogen

Exp. 14 Thermal Conductivity

Exp. 15 Thermal Expansion

Exp. 16 Determination of Avogodro's Number

Exp. 17 Electric Fields

Exp. 18 Joule's Law: Heating Effect of an Electric Circuit

Exp. 19 Capacitors: Storage of an Electric Charge

Exp. 20 Ohm's Law and DC Circuits

Exp. 21 Wheatestone Bridge and Specific Resistance

Exp. 22 Measurement of EMF using a Potentiometer

Exp. 23 A Simple Electric Motor

Exp. 24 Superconductivity

Exp. 25 The Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

Exp. 26 Focal Length of Lenses

Exp. 27 Laser Optics

Exp. 28 The Speed of Light

Exp. 29 Radioactive Measurements